Featured Talent: Moophz.com – The Night Sky Like You’ve Never Seen Before

I came across a funny post the other day saying that everyone is a photographer until they switch the camera button from automatic to manual mode ?
Moophz Techie Dad Arc-De-Akoura-Akoura
Astroscapes: Akoura, Lebanon

The beautiful thing about photography is that is mostly a personal experience, most people take photos just for the love of it. Capturing a beautiful image can be a fulfilling and proud moment even for the most amateur photographer using a smartphone.

Astroscapes: Cedars of Chouf, Meteor and The Milky Way
When it comes to Astrophotography, it is a totally different ball-game. Even though I consider myself to be a savvy photographer, yet in extreme low-light conditions things become tricky, experimental, and require a lot of patience and experience.
Moophz Techie Dad Kalfafell-Iceland
Aurora: Kalfafell, Iceland
Amongst the night sky enthusiasts, a name always pops up as the ultimate ninja warrior. Moophz is a Lebanese cyber-security specialist and photographer that travels the world for a good picture. He takes his passion very seriously and the equipment he moves around with will blow your mind.
Moophz Techie Dad CatsPaw-Lobster Nebulae
WideField: Cat’s Paw, Lobster Nebulae
I was introduced to Moophz.com through a couple friends who became obsessed with Astrophotography. They pack up every weekend and head to the various mountain-tops away from the light pollution of the city, they camp and wait for the night sky to sparkle.
Moophz Techie Dad Barouk-LittlePlanet
Little Planet/360° panorama: Cedars of Barouk
Moophz‘ meticulously collected photos capture the dark skies, the Milky Way, the Northern Lights, lightning strikes, meteor showers, and cityscapes reveal a deep obsession with the night skies and in capturing that awesome moment.
Great Rift TechieDad Space
WideField: The Great Rift of the Milky Way from the Sagittarius Arm
Visit his website Moophz.com or his social media pages( Facebook  ; InstagramTwitter ) for more awesome pictures, as well as a detailed explanation for each picture.

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