The other day, my nine year old daughter asked me, why am I constantly taking pictures of her and her younger brother? She was wondering why am I always stalking them with my camera, phone or anything with a lens trying to take endless amounts of pictures? I have a feeling, that she sometimes sees me as the annoying paparazzi dad who just can’t get enough pictures: smile, stand still, wait, cheese, one more! I have been thinking about it and…
Last week, my wife and I managed to get out of the country and spend a few days in Europe. We wanted to recharge our batteries and get away from the daily pressures we all face in the country. The whole trip was amazing and we managed to disconnect and enjoy the beautiful cities of Budapest and Vienna during winter time. Looking back at the trip and any other trip, you realize that so many memories are forever engraved in…
I always said that I’ll never give my kids mobile phones before they become teenagers. I was even constantly bashing my friends for doing so, but all this changed when we got kids of our own, and I realized the pressure parents face on the topic. I always said that I’ll never give my kids mobile phones before they become teenagers. I was even constantly bashing my friends for doing so, but all this changed when we got kids of our…
Thoughts on how technology has changed the education process from creation to consumption. EDUtaining the i-Generation (impact of technology on education) from Jimmy Ghazal